"My Heart Is Afraid that it will have to suffer," the boy told the alchemist one night as they looked up at the moonless sky."Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams."
I have been reading this book on my travels and am almost done with it in 2 days as it is so good. Now, I must admit that I am not much of a book person, but this one really got me and I highly recomend it. It is the only book to be translated into a 127 languages and each sentance and paragraph has a point or moral to it so it keeps you on your toes. I totally related to it and think most of you will also.
Alchemy or the art therof, is truly the ability to create something out of nothing. To create is the best ability or craft one can have, to make dreams come true. I feel that this is an approach everyone should have to life and making dreams a reality, and just working on the ability to create.
Alchemy or the art therof, is truly the ability to create something out of nothing. To create is the best ability or craft one can have, to make dreams come true. I feel that this is an approach everyone should have to life and making dreams a reality, and just working on the ability to create.
Giantto is approaching our 5th official campaign. Again, it is almost like time travel.
PRINT: http://www.issuu.com/giantto/docs/recklessluxurycampaign
PRINT: http://www.issuu.com/giantto/docs/recklessluxurycampaign
2 -12:00 AM MOSCOW
VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKQ464AdGW4
5 - As we get ready to announce officially for the first time the 'location' or theme of this 5th entry for "The Journey of Time" A 'Time Travelers' approach to an advertising story, we find ourselves back in the states, back in the day late 60's early 70's
Giantto announces for the first time th 5th official campaign title from the
5 - As we get ready to announce officially for the first time the 'location' or theme of this 5th entry for "The Journey of Time" A 'Time Travelers' approach to an advertising story, we find ourselves back in the states, back in the day late 60's early 70's
Giantto announces for the first time th 5th official campaign title from the
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::VINTAGE BROOKLYN:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
circa 1968, Brooklyn NY the GIANTTO 'journey of time' is not merley about traveling, or noteworthy destinations, it is so much more than that... and is based on the ability to travel back and forth through time and life itself, any continent, any city, any space, any situation, any TIME.
Below are some inspirations and looks for the shoot sheduled to take place sometime in early April.
castings and fittings will be held in holywood for the next few weeks
for more info email